Oct 21, 2011

New Season Begins

Word is that this years sea duck season is underway and the birds are here in great numbers. A number of local waterfowlers have limited out on multiple trips offshore. I've had the occasion to be on the water a few mornings to see sizeable rafts on Boston Harbor.

The Plaistow Rod and Gun Club in Plaistown NH, will be hosting the Rockingham chapter of Ducks Unlimited Saturday, October 22, located at 18 May Ray Ave. Doors open at 5:30pm and early birds get the best seats.

If you'd like to meet some of these Sea Duckers all you need to to is show up. There are lots of donations and pretty much everyone goes home with some type of duck bling. The Fundraiser starts at 6pm, there's great food, a cash bar, and more stories than you can count. I attended my first meeting last year and I can't wait for this Saturday. See you there!

Jul 1, 2011

Seaduck Decoys

Knutson's offers a nice selection of seaduck decoys for your hunt this season.  You can view their selections here. 

Jun 22, 2011


Finally the Sea Duck, the least studied group of ducks, is commanding some respect.  Click on this Link to read about "The Sea Duck Joint Venture" and their conservation efforts.  Some interesting articles here.

Jun 17, 2011

Lost at sea !

Looks like one of our White Winged Scoters got lost at sea and is creating quite a buzz in the UK. Click here for the story.

Jun 9, 2011

The Curious Lives of Sea Ducks

King Eider Duck
The link below explains the differences between dabbling ducks and sea ducks.  There are some interesting facts that explain the differences in nesting, habitat and preferences.  Ducks Unlimited posted this on their website.  Click here to read the full article  

Super Ducks...

Science may have discovered why ducks are sensitive to colors and how to make them less wary.  Will this render camouflage obsolete? To read the whole story from Discovery, click here!